Toyota dealership rollout - JET Charge
Home Case Studies Toyota dealership rollout

Case Studies

JET Charge and Toyota power one of Australia’s top 10 largest private EV charging networks

JET Charge supported Toyota with EV charging guidance, project management. Supplying and installing 609 chargers across 250 rural and metropolitan Toyota dealerships Australia-wide.

Project: Toyota dealership rollout

Project Summary

JET Charge partnered with Toyota to roll out one of the top 10 largest EV charging networks in the country and the biggest dealer charging network available for automotive Customers.

Across 18 months, we supplied and installed 609 chargers at 250 metropolitan and rural Toyota dealerships across every state and territory, to ensure a nationwide charging solution ahead of the launch of Toyota’s first BEV, the bZ4X.

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The technical stuff

JET Charge provided: 

Schneider EVLink Smart Wallbox
Schneider EVLink Parking dual port
ABB Terra AC Showroom pedestal charger
Kempower T-series moveable charger
50kW Tritium RTM75
Wallbox Commander 2
CORE Basic

Whether you’re after front-to-back commercial charging services, or more specific tailored solutions, our team of knowledgeable and passionate charging experts can help. 

Client – Toyota

Toyota Motor Corporation Australia (TMCA) is Australia’s most trusted and best-selling automotive supplier.


Electrifying fleet vehicles

Seamless charging solutions
Ahead of the release of their first BEV, Toyota were seeking a seamless charging solution “from the dealership to the driveway”.
Instilling confidence
Toyota dealers needed to be confident in selling this new technology and able to provide Customers with the same ease-of-purchase and Toyota brand security as with any vehicle purchase.
Installation support
JET Charge supported Toyota customers to provide a seamless path to home charger installation. Having completed over 10,000 home charger installations, JET Charge is the trusted provider for home charging solutions.

Solution & Implementation

JET Charge took the challenge of EV charging away from the dealership by providing input into Toyota’s training on EV product advice and process, offering one-on-one dealership product guidance.

Over the course of 18 months, we coordinated – from initial engagement to installation – with 250 metropolitan and rural Toyota dealerships to ensure they had the required level of underlying charging infrastructure to support the seamless arrival of the bZ4X on Australian shores.

As Toyota’s approved aftermarket suppliers of EV hardware, JET Charge supplies two charging cables with every bZ4X.  

“The scale of this rollout with Toyota has been invaluable learning experience, positioning us well for future projects of a similar scope. From educating individual dealerships to providing technical support during and after installation, JET Charge is committed to guiding our partners through every step of their EV transition.”

Tyson Steel, Project Manager of Infrastructure Services


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